This page is intended to provide instructions on the usage of the IAMSP logo and other marks.  These requirements further refine the instructions in Section 5 of the Code of Practice and both the written and intended message of the Constitution. Those that fail to abide by these requirements will be considered to be in breach of those core documents.

Official Logo

This is the official mark for the association and is authorized for use in the following circumstances only:

1.  Official correspondence from the First and Second Chair, Board of Directors, or Heads of Committees that have been authorized by the Executive when performing their Association business;

2.  This logo is not to be used by the general membership for personal, business or other correspondence;

3.  Members (Individuals) may use this on websites (size to be 200 x 200) to indicate their membership as long as the logo is linked to the website. Where being used on the website, the individual’s membership number is to be included in such a way as to be visible next to the logo and it must be clear that the use of the logo is solely to represent the individual’s membership in the Association. This will generally preclude the use of the logo for smaller graphics, such as those used on social networking sites, etc;

4. Members (Corporate Affiliate – Provisionally  – Fully Vetted) MUST use their Corporate Logo on websites, email and/or business cards this denotes their companies adherence to the IAMSP’s vetting process and their stage within the vetting process. The size should be 200 x 200 on websites. When used on websites there must be a back link to either

5.  When using the logo on websites, it must be clear that only those goods, services or other activities that the Association has appropriately vetted are endorsed by the Association;

6.  Where used on a website for corporate members, the logo must clearly indicate that the corporation has agreed to be bound by the Code of Practice in its business dealings with its clients and provide a link to the Code of Practice (as found at here) when indicating this;

7.  Academic Institutions that have met the criteria and committed to the requirements defined in the Academic program may use the logo as long as they clearly indicate the nature of the commitment that they have made on the same page as the logo and in such a way that both are clearly visible at the same time; and

8.  In circumstances involving vetted training that has passed through the course review process and the course provider has received official confirmation that the course has successfully passed through the process. To use the official logo, the individual (student) must have had to sit and successfully pass an examination covering the course material.

Informal / Correspondence Logo

The unofficial or correspondence logo (including email) is available to all Members of the Association for use in the following:

1.  Any correspondence from a Member to any inside or outside party;

2.  Blogs, cards or other forms of stationary at the discretion of the Member; and

3.  On properly vetted courses where the course provider has received the official response from the IAMSP executive and where the course does NOT require formal examination.

The following conditions apply:

1.  The logo must remain linked to the IAMSP / Association homepage at; and

2.  At the discretion of the member, the individual’s membership number may be included directly underneath the logo (non-serif font–such as arial should be used in order to remain reasonably consistent with the overall appearance.

Use of Logos on Certificates

It is the intent to provide services to its members in terms of vetting training. While not a formal endorsement, it is intended to demonstrate to the Member’s clients that the course has undergone peer review by competent personnel, allowing for a greater degree of confidence in the training’s content.

The following restrictions apply  in this regard:

1.  Before using the logo, the course must have been through the complete review process and the Member must be in possession of the official letter indicating that the course has passed through the process;

2.  When advertising the course, the specific checks that were undertaken must be clearly identified;

3.  Correspondence and other communications are to use the unofficial or correspondence logo;

4.  The official logo shall be used for formal certificates only where the individual must have passed an examination. Where no examination is required, then the unofficial or correspondence logo shall be used; and

5.  The use of the official or unofficial mark, symbol or stamp of the Association without the Association’s permission as communicated through the Executive is considered to be inappropriate and may, where appropriate and warranted at the discretion of the Association’s executive, result in crimimal or civil actions being taken against the offending party.

Recognized Participants

The Recognized Corporate Participant program and the Recognized Academic Participant program parallels the membership criteria and includes organizations that have made a significant and tangible commitment to upholding the Association’s Code of Practicein their endeavours.

Each Recognized Participant has the ability to validate its status within the program. Each organization is issued a unique number that is specifically coded to an official letter that they hold with a duplicate of that letter being held in the Association’sfiles. The following will help you validate the authenticity of a claim that an organization has been granted this status:

  • Entry Date and Membership Number – in the membership number (FC-10-000), the first two digits represent the first year that the organization was accepted under the program;
  • Entry Date and Digital Signature – in the bottom right corner of the letter, the Secretary of the Association (the sole person who issues these letters) includes his or her digital signature and the date of the digital signature must match the date of the letter;
  • Digital Signature and Issuing Officer – only the Secretary of IAMSP issues the Recognition letter on behalf of the Executive. The name of the Secretary and the digital signature must also match;
  • Each number is recorded and included on the IAMSP website that clearly identifies the logo, company name, officer of the recognized company, address and the date that the status came into force. If the organization has a website, the logo will link to the website of that organization.

Should you have any concerns regarding a letter that is presented to you, the following steps should be taken:

  • Visit the website to see if the individual’s organization is reflected on the web; and

If concerns remain, contact the Secretary of the Association.