The following links are intended to bring people to repositories of maritime security information. If you have a specific topic that you are looking for, you should click on the home page (indicated by the short name) of the organization as that will be easier for you to begin a specific search from. If you are simply looking to browse through maritime security topics, we have included a pre-programmed search for maritime security (Search for maritime security). Of course, we have not captured all the libraries on the topic. If you come across any library sources, please contact us by email.


International Maritime Organization’s Maritime Knowledge Center for Information Resources on the International Maritime Security and ISPS Code

Intermational Maritime Organization’s Maritime Knowledge Center for Information Resources on Piracy and Armed Robbery at Sea Against Ships


NATO Libary Guides – Library guide for maritime security


Congressional Research Services (CRS) – We recommend searching from the homepage given the way they’ve set up their search parameters.

Congressional Research Services – (OpenCRS) – you will need to register with the CRS to conduct searches

Government Accountability Office (GAO)  – (Search for Maritime Security)

Center of Expertise or Excellence

Associations and Interest Groups

Federation of American Scientists (FAS) -(Search for Maritime Security)

International Norms and Standards with respect to the human condition (civil liberties, etc) (Legislationonline)

Trade and Commerce

The Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Trade provides data on trade through a number of interactive databases. The website can be found here

Other Search Engines

Google Search for Scholarly papers with keyword (“maritime security“), (“port security” AND “maritime”),(“ship security” AND “maritime”)